1337x torrents: Torrent addon for 1337x.Lobo Guara Series: Addon for dubbed TV Shows in brazilian portuguese.Deflix: Debrid addon with multiple sources (YTS, The Pirate Bay, RARBG, 1337x and ibit) and support for multiple debrid services (RealDebrid, AllDebrid, Premiumize), written in Go.Animes Brasil: Anime addon for brazilian portuguese (dubbed and subbed).Torrentio: Torrent and Debrid addon with multiple sources (YTS, EZTV, RARBG, 1337x, ThePirateBay, KickassTorrents, HorribleSubs) and support for multiple debrid services (RealDebrid, AllDebrid, Premiumize, Put.io, DebridLink).Orion: Torrent and Debrid addon with Orion as source and support for multiple debrid services (via Orion: RealDebrid, Premiumize, Offcloud).For a list of addons that aren't necessarily open source check, which is the successor of the addon list that was maintained on the r/StremioAddons subreddit in the past. This list here focuses on open source addons, linking the source code repositories.

Addon list including links to their GitHub repository.

#Stremio addon rhcloud install#
Stremio Install Scripts: Scripts that are meant to install Stremio and its dependencies on systems that do not provide an official installation for Stremio.Stremio Downloader: Allows you to download streams from Stremio.Flatpak package: Stremio installer for systems with Flatpak.A curated list of awesome tools and addons for Stremio Contents